Dette blir iallefall mitt bidrag til Årets koseligste juleutfordring hos Anonyme Scrappere, og siden jeg har et tekststempel fra Kreativ Hobby på forsiden, kan jeg melde meg på utfordringen "Årets julekort" der også. :)

It can't be considered as the best christmas card of the year, but it's still a christmas card. The first one finished this season and hopefully there'll be many more to come. I've realized that christmas is coming far too soon (again), so I'll really have to hurry up if I'm gonna get everything done.
Anyway, this'll be my entry for "Årets koseligste juleutfordring" at Anonyme Scrappere and since I've got a sentiment from Kreativ Hobby, I'll enter the challenge "Årets julekort" there too. :)
It can't be considered as the best christmas card of the year, but it's still a christmas card. The first one finished this season and hopefully there'll be many more to come. I've realized that christmas is coming far too soon (again), so I'll really have to hurry up if I'm gonna get everything done.
Anyway, this'll be my entry for "Årets koseligste juleutfordring" at Anonyme Scrappere and since I've got a sentiment from Kreativ Hobby, I'll enter the challenge "Årets julekort" there too. :)
Jeg syns dette var kjempeflott, enkelt men likevel pyntet og lekkert. :)
SvarSlettTakk for at du deltar hos AS.
Klem, Anne.