Dagene går som vanlig altfor fort og jeg skulle gjerne ønske jeg hadde mer tid til både kortlaging og blogging. Men sånn er det, så her er et av de raskeste kortene jeg noensinne har lagd. Satt sammen på under en halv time før barnebursdagen min datter skulle i.

The days are flying by as usual and I wish I had more time for both card making and blogging. But that's the way it is, so here's one of the fastest cards I've ever made. Put together in less than half an hour before the birthday party my daughter was going to.
The days are flying by as usual and I wish I had more time for both card making and blogging. But that's the way it is, so here's one of the fastest cards I've ever made. Put together in less than half an hour before the birthday party my daughter was going to.
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