This time of year calls for a little review of the past year. 2010 was the year I started blogging and I've made so many cards I couldn't even imagine a year ago. Even though I'm still a beginner I think I've developed a lot over the past year. Here's a little slideshow of some of the cards I'm most pleased with. Best wishes for the new year!
fredag 31. desember 2010
This time of year calls for a little review of the past year. 2010 was the year I started blogging and I've made so many cards I couldn't even imagine a year ago. Even though I'm still a beginner I think I've developed a lot over the past year. Here's a little slideshow of some of the cards I'm most pleased with. Best wishes for the new year!
torsdag 30. desember 2010
Årets siste kort

I've been really down lately and made next to nothing. But on the second last day of the year I just had to get myself together and whip something up for a little boy whose birthday is on New Years Eve. I hope this will be the beginning of a turn for the better in the new year.
søndag 12. desember 2010
Årets kort
Dette kortet laget jeg til min søsters bursdag i mars, og bare dét er for meg betydningsfullt nok. Jeg er utrolig heldig som har et veldig nært forhold til mine søsken og kanskje spesielt til denne søsteren min. Jeg husker jeg slet lenge med dette kortet for at det på best mulig måte skulle vise hvor mye jeg verdsetter henne. Det ville jeg nok aldri klart uansett hvor mye jeg hadde prøvd, men det ligger i alle fall mye tanke og omtanke bak dette kortet. Og det er mye jeg er fornøyd med på dette kortet. Jeg elsker de duse grønntonene og de herlige stjerneblomstene som jeg syns jeg fikk satt sammen på en pen måte.
Men ikke nok med at det gikk til en spesiell mottaker og jeg synes det er noe av det beste jeg har laget, dette kortet utgjorde også starten på bloggen min, så det har blitt enda mer betydningsfullt for meg. Altså må det være et godt bidrag til utfordringen hos StampArctic.
Håper bare det ikke går så lenge før jeg igjen kan lage noe så vakkert og betydningsfullt!
This time of the year calls for a recap, and since I'm still in a dry spell, the challenge at StampArctic suited me fine. It's supposed to be one of your own cards from this past year. Either the prettiest, the most meaningful to you, made for a special person, or a particular mood you were in when you made it. Marianne herself had a hard time picking one in particular, and I don't think it was any easier for me. I'm not all that good at this yet, so I've made some cards this year that I wasn't pleased with, but there has been some that I've been more satisfied with. Enough to make it a difficult choice, but I finally landed on this one.
I made this card for my sister's birthday in March and that alone is meaningful enough to me. I'm incredably lucky to have a very close relationship to my siblings, and maybe especially this sister. I remember I struggled for a long time with this card to make it show in the best possible way how much I appreciate her. I propably never would have made it no matter how hard I tried, but at least there is a lot of thought and care in this card. And there's a lot that I'm pleased with on this card too. I love the faded green colors and the starshaped flowers that I thought I assembled pretty nicely. And as if it wasn't enough that it was made for a special person and it's in my opinion amongst the best cards I've ever made, this card also represents the beginning of my blog, so that makes it even more meaningful to me. So it must be a good contribution to the StampArctic challenge. I just hope it won't be too long till I can make something as beautiful and meaningful again!
lørdag 4. desember 2010
Lys i enden av tunnelen

After two weeks in complete darkness I finally see a little glimpse of light, figuratively speaking. It helped with a bit of time pressure and a sketch. Strangely enough it turned out to be another tealight card! And a tealight card must be quite appropriate for Cupcake Craft Challenge #119 - Light it up. I only hope the wall is coming down now, so I can start all the christmas cards now!