I must have had a small case of Alzheimers, because all of a sudden I knew several more kids that are having a confirmation than the one I'm invited to! Fortunately I still have some time left, so I'll be fine. Here's the first of the last confirmation cards.
I must have had a small case of Alzheimers, because all of a sudden I knew several more kids that are having a confirmation than the one I'm invited to! Fortunately I still have some time left, so I'll be fine. Here's the first of the last confirmation cards.
Stilig konfirmasjonskort. Takk for at du deltar på candyen min. Lykke til
SvarSlettUtrolig stilig konfirmasjonskort du har laget!
SvarSlettBle så fin effekt med mønsterarket, og lommene inni var kjempefine!
Ha en fortsatt flott uke!
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