Konfirmasjonsgave til gutter er vanskelig, syns jeg, men et lommebok kort løste mitt problem. Og konfirmanten var meget godt fornøyd. Og ikke bare med innholdet! ☺ Jeg var ganske fornøyd selv. Særlig med myntlommen som skjuler et lite dikt. Og selvfølgelig det ultrastilige mønsterarket fra FancyPants som er dekor nok i seg selv!

I think confirmation presents for boys are difficult, but a wallet card solved my problem. And the recipient was very pleased. And not just with the contents! ☺ I was quite pleased myself, especially with the coin purse that hides a little poem. And of course the unbelievably cool patterned paper from FancyPants that's decor enough in itself.
I think confirmation presents for boys are difficult, but a wallet card solved my problem. And the recipient was very pleased. And not just with the contents! ☺ I was quite pleased myself, especially with the coin purse that hides a little poem. And of course the unbelievably cool patterned paper from FancyPants that's decor enough in itself.
Kjempeflott kort! Likner på en ekte lommebok! :0)