Søndag var siste konfirmasjonssøndagen her i området, så nå kan jeg endelig publisere alle konfirmasjonskortene jeg lagde natten før. Og det ble ikke så rent få! Dette er det jeg trodde skulle være det siste konfirmasjonskortet for denne gang. Det ble faktisk fire til etter dette!

Sunday was the last confirmation Sunday around here, so now I can finally publish all the confirmation cards I made the night before. And it was quite a few! This is what I thought would be the last confirmation card for the time being. I actually made four more after this!
Sunday was the last confirmation Sunday around here, so now I can finally publish all the confirmation cards I made the night before. And it was quite a few! This is what I thought would be the last confirmation card for the time being. I actually made four more after this!

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