New Norwegian challenge blog
Personally I don't think there can be too many - at least not in Norwegian, so I welcome Kreative Krumspring with open arms and look forward to the first challenge at September 9th. Until then I'll draw a number in their RAK and hope more will do the same. Good luck!
New Norwegian challenge blog
Personally I don't think there can be too many - at least not in Norwegian, so I welcome Kreative Krumspring with open arms and look forward to the first challenge at September 9th. Until then I'll draw a number in their RAK and hope more will do the same. Good luck!
Så bra at du er så positiv til enda en utfordringsblog. Positive mennesker trenger vi mange av, og vi håper å se deg på utfordringen som kommer på mandag. Takk for hjelpa med å spre ryktet om bloggen vår. Du er en god ambassadør. :)