Since I recjected my first attempt on a summer card, I didn't have much time to make a new one, but this is what I ended up with. And in the hurry I forgot to take a picure of the card, so I apologize for the poor quality of the picture. It was taken with a mobile phone camera in sunshine with the card in a clearbag.
Since I recjected my first attempt on a summer card, I didn't have much time to make a new one, but this is what I ended up with. And in the hurry I forgot to take a picure of the card, so I apologize for the poor quality of the picture. It was taken with a mobile phone camera in sunshine with the card in a clearbag.
He he - av og til må man hive seg rundt i siste liten, og ender opp med noe helt annet enn man hadde tenkt. :)
SvarSlettMen så det er sagt: jeg synes begge sommerkortene er flotte! Flink, du!
Fortsatt god sommer!
♥ Marianne (Sakkalo)
PS: kom gjerne 'innom' meg og bli med på min candy, hvis du vil