Men er CAS egentlig så raskt og simpelt som man kanskje tror? For en tid tilbake fant jeg denne artikkelen om CAS scrapbooking som jeg syns forklarer prinsippene med CAS veldig godt.
Og siden Gry hos That's just so cute har bursdag og vil se CAS bursdagskort, så skal hun få det! ;-)

I've been making cards for about a year 'n a half and tried different styles, but I've sort of landed on Clean and Simple, more than anything else. Maybe because it's not very common amongst Norwegian card makers, and I'm the one to go upstream. Or maybe because I don't have the patience for anyting else?
But is CAS really so fast and simple that one is lead to believe? A while ago I found this article (in Norwegian) about clean and simple scrapbooking that I find describes the principles about CAS really good.
And since it's Gry's birthday over at That's just so cute, and she wants to see CAS birthday cards, then that's what she'll get! ;-)