Forhåpentligvis får jeg gjort ferdig de andre to sekkene og innholdet i løpet av helga, så det dukker nok opp flere bilder her etterhvert.
Inntil da, leverer jeg dette til utfordringene hos Allsorts Challenge 116 - Anything but a card og til Scrap'a'long #7 - Anything goes.
Tutorial på sekken fant jeg her. Jeg valgte å ikke bruke så mye pynt på, siden denne skal sendes i posten. Materialer jeg har brukt er Bazzill til basen, mønsterark som fulgte med et blad jeg kjøpte, Tiny Alphas, brads, Hook'n'Loop (borrelås til lukking), eyelets og bånd.
Holidays are inevitably over for most of us and soon for the little ones too. It's back to the ol' school routine for a couple of little girls next week and a brand new routine for my youngest niece who is starting 1st grade. So I thought I'd surprise the girls with a little backpack each, which I'll fill with some school stuff. This is the first backpack (out of three) for the 1st-grader. Hopefully I'll finish the other two backpacks and contents this weekend so it'll be posted more piccies here soon. Until then, I'll enter this for the challenges Allsorts Challenge 116 - Anything but a card and Scrap'a'long #7 - Anything goes.
I found the tutorial for the backpack here. I chose not to use too much embellishments since this is going in the mail. I've used Bazzill cardstock for the base, patterned paper from a magazine I bought, Tiny Alphas, brads, Hook'n'loop (velcro dots), eyelets and ribbon.
Så utrolig stilig og lekker.
SvarSlettTakk for at du deltar hos Scrap'a'long.
Klem fra Merethe
SvarSlettGreat back pack, love the colours you've used!
SvarSlettThanks for entering our Anything but a card challenge at Allsorts this week and good luck!
Love Nicola xxx
Denne var virkelig stilig! Freshe farger du har brukt!
SvarSlettTusen takk for flott bidrag til utfordringen vår hos Scrap'a'long!
Klem Stine :-)
This is lovely, Thank you so much for entering our challenge at ALLSORTS this week, good luck & hope you’ll join us again!
SvarSlettHugz Fleur xXx
kjempesøt sekk, regner med ungene blir glade for disse!!
SvarSletttakk for at du deltar hos scrap`a`long!!
klem Lise
Utrolig gøy sekk dette :D