Bev at All the things I love, compensates for lack of time with a fab ProMarker-candy. I don't know if I believe in coincedences, but just this morning I was looking at ProMarkers and wondering if I should invest in some markers to start me off with stamping images. Maybe I'll get lucky?? I'll know on thursday! :)

Pipserier er en blogg jeg har hatt i favorittlista mi lenge før jeg begynte å blogge selv. Pips har en stil jeg liker godt og jeg har hentet mye inspirasjon fra bloggen hennes. Nå trekker hun ut denne candyen og jeg er selvfølgelig med!
*Pipserier is a blog I've had in my favourites long before I started blogging myself. Pips has a style I like a lot and I've collected a lot of inspiration from her blog. Now she's drawing this candy and I'm in, of course!*

And whatd'yaknow, I think the candy sniffin' helped already.. I've got an idea! ☺
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